I am trying to install OSMNX module in Pycharm (using Python 3.7.2). I tried installing it using pip install osmnx but got the following error[![error][1]][1] i have also tried using .whl files from [https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#fiona][2] but I cannot identify how/what steps to follow. Please provide some clear steps!
Most of the other question are answered w.r.t. conda environment. I have to use Pcharm only.
Input in any form is highly appreciated! [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/RdJDN.png [2]: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#fiona
You said:
I have to use Pcharm only.
Does that mean you cannot use conda + pycharm on your system for some reason? If you can, then:
- Install OSMnx with conda
- Use Conda environment in pycharm
This is by far the easiest (and recommended) solution. If you cannot, then you must manually install the dependencies. This is a nontrivial process, especially if you're on Windows. OSMnx itself is pure Python and its installation is simple, but its dependencies have C extensions that require compilation.
You can see OSMnx's dependencies here and you'll have to install them one at a time. All of the tricky dependencies are brought in via geopandas, and you can read more about its installation details and dependencies here.