Structure of my data is in this form.
'Development Environments',
'Web Development ',
'Web App Deployment',
['5 Years of Full Stack Python',
'GitPython and New Git Tutorials ',
'First Steps with GitPython']],
[0.0, 1.0, 0.19]]]
How to make different length list to a single Data frame in python?
I have tried with pandas DataFrame
.But it wont work since each list in data1
has different length. Same problem for the zip
function also.
I am expecting this structure for the list of data, not necessary as a table ,but as a data frame. I am trying some general approach ,so that any similar information can be fed into this format.
If the source data format is consistent with the example, the "rows" could be looped over in the following way, and then converted to a DataFrame.
In [1]: src = ['https://www.fullstackpython.com/',
...: ['https://www.fullstackpython.com/table-of-contents.html',
...: 'https://www.fullstackpython.com/blog.html'],
...: [['Introduction', 'Development Environments', 'Web Development ',
...: 'Web App Deployment', 'Data', ''],
...: ['5 Years of Full Stack Python',
...: 'GitPython and New Git Tutorials ',
...: 'First Steps with GitPython']],
...: [[0.0, 0.0, 0.25, 0.29, 0.25, 0.25],
...: [0.0, 1.0, 0.19]]]
In [2]: site, pages, nested_titles, nested_values = src
In [3]: data = []
...: for page, titles, values in zip(pages, nested_titles, nested_values):
...: for title, value in zip(titles, values):
...: data.append((site, page, title, value))
...: df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['Site', 'Page', 'Title', 'Value'])
In [4]: df
Site Page Title Value
0 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/table-of-conte... Introduction 0.00
1 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/table-of-conte... Development Environments 0.00
2 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/table-of-conte... Web Development 0.25
3 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/table-of-conte... Web App Deployment 0.29
4 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/table-of-conte... Data 0.25
5 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/table-of-conte... 0.25
6 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/blog.html 5 Years of Full Stack Python 0.00
7 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/blog.html GitPython and New Git Tutorials 1.00
8 https://www.fullstackpython.com/ https://www.fullstackpython.com/blog.html First Steps with GitPython 0.19