Get a list of objects with the maximum attribute value in a list of objects

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2021-02-11 09:52:12


Slightly different from previous questions. I have found here: front_Ar is a list of objects with a score attribute.

I am trying to get a list of all objects with the highest score. I have tried:

maxind = []
maxInd.append(max(front_Ar, key=attrgetter('score')))

which stored only one object (presumably the first one it found). Any idea how can this be done?


Find the max score first, then filter the list based on that score:

max_score = max(front_Ar, key=attrgetter('score')).score
max_ind = [obj for obj in front_Ar if obj.score == max_score]


The max() function can be used to find the value of the highest score.

To get the objects whose score matches that value, you could do a list comprehension like in @juanpa.arrivillaga's answer, or use something like filter() on the list to return only the items matching your criterion.

top_score = max(front_Ar, key=attrgetter('score')).score
max_ind = list(filter(lambda x: x.score == top_score, front_Ar))

