As I debug my app, I want to print out the value of a local variable orien
of type UIInterfaceOrientation
I tried print("\(orien")
but it printed:
... which is obviously useless.
I then tried dump(orien)
, which produced another useless output:
- __C.UIInterfaceOrientation
In Xcode, I set a breakpoint and right-clicked the variable and chose Print Description of
, which produced:
Printing description of orien:
(UIInterfaceOrientation) orien = <variable not available>
I ended up writing:
extension UIInterfaceOrientation {
func dump() {
switch self {
case .portrait: print("Interface orientation is Portrait")
case .portraitUpsideDown: print("Interface orientation is Portrait upside down")
case .landscapeLeft: print("Interface orientation is Landscape left")
case .landscapeRight: print("Interface orientation is Landscape right")
case .unknown: print("Interface orientation is unknown")
Is there a better solution?
BTW, this problem also occurred with a CGFloat — XCode's debugger printed it out as <variable not available>
Can't you just print the rawValue of the enum case? Apparently, this isn't possible because it returns a Int because UIInterfaceOrientation
is a enum of Int.
EDIT: The following code could help because it creates a description, using a variable.
extension UIInterfaceOrientation {
public var description: String {
switch self {
case .landscapeLeft: return "landscapeLeft"
case .landscapeRight: return "landscapeRight"
case .portrait: return "portrait"
case .portraitUpsideDown: return "portraitUpsideDown"
case .unknown: return "unknown"
After this addition, you can use description
in the following way: