Web API 2 DataMember naming not working in FromUri parameters

随声附和 提交于 2021-02-11 08:55:07


I'm having issues with DataMember-naming in UriParameters.

public class testobj 

[DataMember(Name = "Test")]
public string a {get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "Test1")]
public string b {get; set; }


Then i have my controller:

public IHttpActionResult test([FromUri] testobj testparams)
   return testparams;

In the response i get Test and Test1, that's correct. However i have to use a and b in the uriParameters, why can't i use Test and Test1 there?

How can i fix this?


You cannot pass an object type in the Query String, You have to pass it in the HTTP Packets Body, and use [FromBody] in your Controller methods Parameter.

here's a Stackoverflow link explaining more, ASP.NET Web APi - Passing an object as parameter

Thank You, Bhadhri

