i'm working with angularJS and i need a way to stop the execution of ng-blur when ng-keydown is executed, since ng-keydown at some point makes the element lose the focus.
The html is:
<div contenteditable ng-show="contentEditableSupport" ng-init="oldName = ''" ng-focus="oldName = userGroup.name" ng-model="userGroup.name" strip-br="true"
ng-blur="editName(userGroup, oldName)" ng-keydown="$event.keyCode === 13 && editName(userGroup, oldName)">{{userGroup.name}}</div>
The angular attribute directive is:
angular.module("mainApp").directive('contenteditable', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: '?ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {
//Code from: http://fdietz.github.io/recipes-with-angular-js/common-user-interface-patterns/editing-text-in-place-using-html5-content-editable.html
function read() {
ngModel.$render = function () {
element.html(ngModel.$viewValue || "");
element.bind("blur keyup change", function () {
If i edit the text in the element and click elsewhere the editName method is called once, but if i edit it and press enter the method is called twice. I tried to consume $event.stopPropagation and similar with no results.
Thanks in advanced!!
Your issue appears to lie in whatever code is triggering the div to lose focus when the user types enter
You should be able to fix it by replacing && editName(...)
in your ng-keydown
handler with code that simply causes the control to lose focus. It will then delegate calling editName(...)
to the ng-blur
handler when you press enter
, preventing the duplicate calls.
In the directive 'contentEditable' i added:
element.bind("blur keydown", function ($event) {
if ($event.which == 13) {
And i deleted the ng-keydown attribute in the div tag.
Works like a charm