Beginner programmer here.
I am trying to show two different color dots if there is a negative AND a positive transaction for that date.
Here is my code. It only shows one dot.
func calendar(_ calendar: FSCalendar, numberOfEventsFor date: Date) -> Int {
let incomeTransaction = realm.objects(Transaction.self).filter(positiveTransactionPredicate(date: date))
let expenseTransaction = realm.objects(Transaction.self).filter(negativeTransactionPredicate(date: date))
for _ in incomeTransaction {
return 1
for _ in expenseTransaction {
return 1
return 0
func calendar(_ calendar: FSCalendar, appearance: FSCalendarAppearance, eventDefaultColorsFor date: Date) -> [UIColor]? {
let incomeTransaction = realm.objects(Transaction.self).filter(positiveTransactionPredicate(date: date))
let expenseTransaction = realm.objects(Transaction.self).filter(negativeTransactionPredicate(date: date))
for _ in incomeTransaction {
return [UIColor(rgb: Constants.green)]
for _ in expenseTransaction {
return [UIColor(rgb: Constants.red)]
return nil
This code shows two dots, but they are the same color:
func calendar(_ calendar: FSCalendar, numberOfEventsFor date: Date) -> Int {
let incomeTransaction = realm.objects(Transaction.self).filter(positiveTransactionPredicate(date: date))
let expenseTransaction = realm.objects(Transaction.self).filter(negativeTransactionPredicate(date: date))
for _ in incomeTransaction {
return 2
for _ in expenseTransaction {
return 2
return 0
How do you tell the FSCalendar delegate methods to show two different color dots on a date?
Like This:
It doesn't appear that numberOfEventsForDate:(NSDate *)date;
is correctly implemented. You're returning 1 which results in 1 dot
Returning 1 will show 1 dot, 0 will show 0 dots and 2 will display two dots. From the example project
* Asks the dataSource the number of event dots for a specific date.
* @see
* - (UIColor *)calendar:(FSCalendar *)calendar appearance:(FSCalendarAppearance *)appearance eventColorForDate:(NSDate *)date;
* - (NSArray *)calendar:(FSCalendar *)calendar appearance:(FSCalendarAppearance *)appearance eventColorsForDate:(NSDate *)date;
- (NSInteger)calendar:(FSCalendar *)calendar numberOfEventsForDate:(NSDate *)date;
I would suggest taking a look at the examples on the github repo for FSCalendar.
The objc implementation is this
//return 2 for 2 events
cell.numberOfEvents = [self.dataSourceProxy calendar:self numberOfEventsForDate:date];
If you always want two dots, regardless of the actual number of events, just return 2
func calendar(_ calendar: FSCalendar, numberOfEventsFor date: Date) -> Int {
return 2
Download the Example.swift project and see the FSCalendarSwiftExample.xcodeproj