Hey so I haven't really messed around with it too much, but I was wondering if there was actually a way (before I go down a neverending rabbit hole) to read and write to CSV files in Dart/Flutter? I need to write to the files, not necessarily read them, and I'm willing to go to quite extreme lengths to do so. Any library works, built-in functions are even better. Any and all help is appreciated!
Use this package csv
from https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/csv.
If you have a List<List<dynamic>>
items that needs to convert into csv,
String csv = const ListToCsvConverter().convert(yourListOfLists);
If you want to write the csv to a file,
/// Write to a file
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final pathOfTheFileToWrite = directory.path + "/myCsvFile.csv"
File file = await File(pathOfTheFileToWrite);
Also, if you want to read a csv file directly into list<list<dynamic>>
final input = new File('a/csv/file.txt').openRead();
final fields = await input.transform(UTF8.decoder).transform(csvCodec.decoder).toList();
According to new packages and guidelines(2019) use following code
package csv
from https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/csv.
If you have a List<List<dynamic>>
items that needs to convert into csv,
String csv = const ListToCsvConverter().convert(yourListOfLists);
Then you can write the string to a file using file operations.
Also, if you want to read a csv file directly into list<list<dynamic>>
final input = new File('a/csv/file.txt').openRead();
final fields = await input.transform(utf8.decoder).transform(new CsvToListConverter()).toList();