I'm implementing a service in our Go system that reads data from an external SOAP service. Now that I'm writing tests for it, I run into this issue:
unable to unmarshal request body for testing: expected element type <soapenv:Envelope> but have <Envelope>
If I dump my data, I have this:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:v2 [...]
So I do have the correct namespace in the XML. For the record, this is the struct into which I'm trying to unmarshal the data:
type collectRequestXML struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"soapenv:Envelope"`
SoapEnv string `xml:"xmlns:soapenv,attr"`
XMLNs string `xml:"xmlns:v2,attr"`
Header struct{} `xml:"soapenv:Header"`
Body struct {
What can I do to make the unmarshal fail?
See this Playground item for reference.
The documentation of the XML package does not write enough about the namespaces. The parsing is very simple. There is a small support for the namespaces. It can parse the XML, but when you create XML ist does not support the namespace thing enough.
Your struct works, when you remove the namespace information inside the XMLName
type myStruct struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"Envelope"`
SoapEnv string `xml:"xmlns:soapenv,attr"`
Header struct{} `xml:"soapenv:Header"`
Body struct {
MyData string `xml:"my-data"`