I want to write a function that constantly listens for changes in a redis list (usually when elements are pushed to the list) and pops its elements whenever the list is not empty. Then it will execute a function on the popped elements. How should I implement this?
You can use notify-keyspace-events
for that
example with Node.js but the idea is similar for other languages.
const Redis = require('ioredis')
const redis = new Redis()
;(async function () {
redis.on('ready', () => {
redis.config('set', 'notify-keyspace-events', 'KEl')
// KEl => see https://redis.io/topics/notifications to understand the configuration
// l is meant we are interested in list event
redis.on('pmessage', function(pattern, channel, message) {
console.log('got %s', message);
Example output