Cordova Image Picker Returning Temp URL From Cache Folder Where Images Are Not Present In It

北城余情 提交于 2021-02-10 18:21:47


Not able to get the right image url when I select the images from the android device, I am able to get the temp image url from the cache where there is no original imaged copied to it.

The Url which I got from the plugin looks like this.


Is there any way to get the original image path or the temp url itself where the duplicate image is present in it?

Plugin URL :

Plugin Version :1.1.1


As reported in git repository readme:

Note for Android Use The plugin returns images that are stored in a temporary directory. These images will often not be deleted automatically though. The files should be moved or deleted after you get their filepaths in javascript.

Anyway i think you need to edit source of plugin to return original image path in javascript callback.

