Linking pull requests to the workitems from the TFS database

回眸只為那壹抹淺笑 提交于 2021-02-10 16:47:16


We use custom queries (against TFS databases: Tfs_DefaultCollection and Tfs_Warehouse) to check if all changesets have a workitem linked to it. We use the FactWorkItemChangeset table from the Tfs_Warehouse database. Currently we are migrating to TFS Git and we want to update our custom queries to check if all the pull requests have a workitem linked to it. For example:
Git pull request and its workitem We don't know where in the Tfs_Warehouse or in the Tfs_Defaultcollection database the pull request is linked to the workitem. Does anyone know where this link is stored?


Cannot find the related table, however you can use the REST API to check if all the pull requests have a workitem linked to it. Please see Get Pull Requests By Project and Pull Request Work Items - List for details.

For example, below PowerShell script will retrieve all the Pull Requests from a specific project and list the linked work items for each of them, also output the Pull Requests which have no linked work items to a *.csv file ("D:\temp\1030.csv" in below sample).

   [string]$collectionurl = "", 
   [string]$project = "GitTest",
   [string]$user = "Domain\user",
   [string]$token = "password"

# Base64-encodes the Personal Access Token (PAT) appropriately
$base64AuthInfo = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(("{0}:{1}" -f $user,$token)))

#Get pull request list for a specific project
$prsurl = "$collectionurl/$project/_apis/git/pullrequests?api-version=2.0"
$prs = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $prsurl -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)})
$prurls = $prs.value.url

#Get the associated work items to PRs

foreach ($prurl in $prurls)
$baseurl = "$prurl/workitems"

$prwis = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $baseurl -Method Get -Headers @{Authorization=("Basic {0}" -f $base64AuthInfo)}

write-host "Pull Reuquest:" $prurl

write-host "Count of Associated Work Items:"$prwis.count 
 foreach ($prwi in $prwis.value )
   Write-Host "Associated workitem:"$ - $prwi.url
  write-host `n

if ($prwis.count -lt 1)
  #Write-host $prurl
  # Output the Pull Requests which have no work items associated:
  $prurl | Add-Content "D:\temp\1030.csv"  


We finally found the link in de Tfs_DefaultCollection.WorkItemFiles! For example: select * from [dbo].[WorkItemFiles] where FilePath = 'vstfs:///Git/PullRequestId/4f39e226-6f44-4e56-a216-f45969d8147d%2fab3368e0-56ef-468f-8e14-43065c433a21%2f2619'

This yields this result: ID 427787 FilePath vstfs:///Git/PullRequestId/4f39e226-6f44-4e56-a216-f45969d8147d%2fab3368e0-56ef-468f-8e14-43065c433a21%2f2619

The ID column contains the workitem id and the FilePath 2 hashes (separated by '%ef') and finally the pull request id. In this example workitem 427787 is linked to pull request 2619.

