BIOS int 0x13 modifies CS:IP?

陌路散爱 提交于 2021-02-10 15:46:55


I'm writing an x86 bootloader which occupies two sections (1024 bytes) on disk and the first thing I want it to do is to load both sections to segment 0x60 before continuing execution

Here is the relocation part of my code:

  // relocate and load remaining bootloader code    
  mov $0x60, %ax
  mov %ax, %es

  mov $0x02, %ah
  mov $2, %al
  xor %bx, %bx
  mov $0, %ch
  mov $2, %cl
  xor %dh, %dh

  int $0x13

  jmp $0x60, $reloc_done

  // set up segment registers
  mov $0x60, %ax
  mov %ax, %ds
  mov %ax, %es

  // set up stack
  mov $0x8000, %bx
  mov %bx, %ss
  xor %ax, %ax
  mov %ax, %sp

This does not seem to work however, I have tried to debug my code with gdb by creating an ELF file boot.elf in addition to a flat binary and executing add-symbol-file boot.elf 0x60 followed by break reloc_done after attaching gdb to the qemu process running my binary. I would have expected a continue to then actually hit the breakpoint at 0x60:reloc_done but this doesn't happen. What's wrong here?

When I single step through this program, it looks like the int $0x13 actually modifies CS:IP to F000:E3FE which I do not understand at all.

EDIT: A minimal example trying to integrate some suggestions by MichaelPetch:


// real mode code

.global _start

jmp $0x0, $_start

  mov $0x8000, %ax
  mov %ax, %sp

  // relocate and load remaining bootloader code
  mov $0x60, %ax
  mov %ax, %es
  xor %bx, %bx

  mov $0x02, %ah
  mov $2, %al
  mov $0, %ch
  mov $1, %cl
  xor %dh, %dh

  int $0x13

  jmp $0x60, $reloc_done


  // set up segment registers
  mov $0x60, %ax
  mov %ax, %ds
  mov %ax, %es

  // set up stack
  mov $0x8000, %bx
  mov %bx, %ss
  xor %ax, %ax
  mov %ax, %sp




  . = 0x0;
  .text : {
      . = 510;

  .data : SUBALIGN(2) {

  /DISCARD/ : {

Compiled like this:

gcc -m32 -fno-PIC -g -gdwarf -Wall -Werroro -c asm/boot.S -o out/boot_S.o
ld -melf_i386 -Tout/boot.ld out/boot_S.o -o ../elf/boot.elf
objcopy -O binary ../elf/boot.elf ../img/boot.img

boot.img is then copied to the first sector of a disk image. Now the initial instruction executed is not mov $0x60, %ax but something else entirely.

ANOTHER EDIT: I think I got it now, I had to change the link address in my linker script as suggested by MichaelPetch but then also remove the initial jmp $0x0, ... from my code which didn't make sense anymore.

