File Not Found Exception in Laravel 7

天涯浪子 提交于 2021-02-10 15:46:44


I am working on a laravel application where I want to download a file by clicking a button. I have stored the file in /storage/app/public/1.pdf and have created a symbolic link to the public folder. Now I tried many ways to download the file but every time, I receive error File Not Fount Exception at path.

I have tried the following ways for downloading the file:

1 -
$name = "file.pdf";
$file = storage_path(). "/app/public/1.pdf";
$headers = array(
'Content-Type: application/pdf');
return Storage::download($file, $name, $headers);

2 - 
$name = "file.pdf";
    $file = public_path(). "/storage/1.pdf";
    $headers = array(
          'Content-Type: application/pdf',

    return Storage::download($file, $name, $headers);

3 - 
$name = "file.pdf";
    $file = Storage::url("1.pdf");
    $headers = array(
          'Content-Type: application/pdf',

    return Storage::download($file, $name, $headers);  

Here is the error message I get:

I tried many times but nothing worked for me. Any help is appreciated in advance.


From the docs:
The Local Driver

When using the local driver, all file operations are relative to the root directory defined in your filesystems configuration file. By default, this value is set to the storage/app directory.

So, if the file is stored in storage/app/public/1.pdf, do not pass to the Storage facade an absolute path like this one:

$file = storage_path(). "/app/public/1.pdf";
return Storage::download($file);

Instead use a path relative to the root directory defined in your filesystems configuration file:

$file = "public/1.pdf";
$name = "file.pdf";
return Storage::download($file, $name);

