Forttify dynamic-code-evaluation-unsafe-deserialization on Spring Boot Actuator 2.1.6

匆匆过客 提交于 2021-02-10 14:47:16


I have the same problem as in the question, the only answer is to upgrade the spring-boot version to 2.0.6. However, I currently have version 2.1.6.RELEASE and I still have the same vulnerability in the report.


Your scan report should have an abstract, explanation, and recommendation for the issue. (Here are a few links to help you generate the report - Fortify file (.fpr file) to PDF convertion, How do I generate a report that has all the issues?)

In short, this issue is because SpringBoot Actuator exposes JMX management endpoints by default. JMX uses Java serialization to send/receive messages, an attacker that is able to connect and authenticate to the Actuator JMX endpoints will be able to send a malicious Java serialization payload which may run arbitrary code upon deserialization by the JMX endpoint.

Fix: SpringBoot Actuator JMX endpoints may be disabled by adding the following properties to the file:


Note: endpoints.jmx.enabled=false is deprecated

There's also a nice answer on MicroFocus

