Iterating a Numpy array through arithmetic functions

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-10 14:16:29


In the code I have gotten from my previous issue: issue I could use iterations whilst modifying the a value of multiplication. I want to use the .prod function but with iterations of multiplication, division and addition. The calculations will go as follows, for the first calculation 10 + 10 *50/100 = 15 with the equation (Starting_val + Starting_val * Random_numb/100). The first element in Random_numb is 50 and Starting_val is updated to the value of 15. So for the second calculations it will be 15 + 15 *74/100 = 26.1 The value of the Starting_val is updated from 15 to 26.1 in the second calculation. I do not how to iterate this function with numpy. I wish to not use a for loop for this function.

import numpy as np

Starting_val = 10
Random_numb = np.array([50, 74, 5, 69, 50])
Starting_val + Starting_val * Random_numb/100

Expected Output:

[15, 26.1, 27.405, 46.314, 69.471 ]


Simple artithmetic transformations give you

Starting_val * np.cumprod(Random_numb / 100 + 1)


array([15.      , 26.1     , 27.405   , 46.31445 , 69.471675])

