So i am trying learn assembly and my practice sheet has an example where i have to create a program to input 10 numbers one at a time into an array. I have to print the highest value and when it was entered. I have barely any exp in comparing but I want to somehow store the high value and compare it the locations?
include irvine32.inc
num dw 10 dup(0)
count db 1
prompt db "Enter a number: ",0
yesMsg db "hi val is in location ",0
hiMsg db "The high value is ",0
main proc
mov ebx,offset num
mov ecx,10
mov edx,offset prompt
call writestring
call readint
mov [ebx],ax
add ebx,2
loop LOOP1
mov ecx,10
mov ebx,offset num
sub eax,eax
call crlf
mov ax,[ebx]
call writeint
call crlf
add ebx,2
loop LOOP2
mov ebx,offset num
mov ecx,lengthof num
call crlf
mov ebx,offset num
mov ecx,lengthof num
mov ax,[ebx]
movsx eax,ax
cmp ax,[ebx]
jge FindCont
mov ax,[ebx]
add ebx,2
loop FindLoop
mov edx,offset HiMsg
call writestring
call writedec
call crlf
mov eax,ebx
cmp [ebx],ax
je IsHighNum
mov edx,offset yesMsg
call writestring
movsx eax,count
call writedec
call crlf
main endp
end main
I enter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
out : high value is 10 high is in location 1
Your FindGreatest loop should do all the work instead of having a second loop (unfinished TestLoop) find out the position. Here's my suggestion:
To force this code to store the current position (held in EDX) into the count variable at least once I changed the jge
to a jg
By using a current position it was possible to no longer use the ECX register for the loop control.
call crlf
mov ebx, offset num
xor edx, edx
mov ax, [ebx]
inc edx ;Positions 1-10
cmp ax, [ebx]
jg FindCont
mov ax, [ebx]
mov count, edx ;Remember position of greatest
add ebx, 2
cmp edx, lengthof num
jb FindLoop
Now you're ready to output the result in AX and the position in count.
Remember to sign-extend AX using movsx eax, ax
. You could not have done this before the loop because if the first number were negative and the rest of the array contained at least one positive number then the output would have been wrong!
First there are some readability / performance improvements:
mov ax,[ebx]
movsx eax,ax
movsx eax, word [ebx]
And in this code:
cmp ax,[ebx]
jge FindCont
mov ax,[ebx]
add ebx,2
loop FindLoop ; leave an empty line after the loop, not in the middle of the loop and then no space after.
mov edx,offset HiMsg
In your loop, you're already set up to do more things when you find out that you've found a new max. e.g. save ebx
into another reg, like edx
. Do this with another mov
instruction next to the mov ax,[ebx]
, so the jge
will skip it, too.
At the end of the loop, you can subtract pointers and right-shift (to divide by two) to find the index where the max element was.
Or instead of storing the pointer, you could store the current value of ecx
. You're using a loop-counter and a pointer increment. The loop
instruction is slow, and not recommended. Your code would be better if you compared ebx
to see if it's past the end of the array yet, as a loop condition.