Using CAPL with CANoe to transmit big amount of data via ISO-TP on CAN. Is there a routine, that provides the handling of data segmentation embedded in CAPL or do I need to write my own interpretation?
Take a look at the OSEK_TP CANoe demo. It shows how to transmit and receive data over ISO-TP (Transport Protocol, ISO 15765-2).
See the nodeA.can
file and the OSEL_TP API reference for implementation details.
Here is minimal example:
Create and configure a connection:
long handle;
handle = CanTpCreateConnection(0); // 0 = Normal mode
CanTpSetTxIdentifier(handle, 0x700); // Tx CAN-ID
CanTpSetRxIdentifier(handle, 0x708); // Rx CAN-ID
Send data:
BYTE data[10] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
CanTpSendData(handle, data, elcount(data));
To receive data, you have to implement the following callback function:
void CanTp_ReceptionInd(long connHandle, byte data[])
write("Received %d byte on connection %d: [%02x] ...",
elcount(data), connHandle, data[0]);