I have to encode 3 numbers into the same integer.
I have these 3 measurements
uint256 carLength;
uint256 carWidth;
uint256 carDepth;
and i want to encode these 3 numbers into the same integer with the possibility to decode. My problem is that I'm not very experienced at this low level.
i think about functions like this
function encodeNumbers(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 c) public view returns(uint256);
function decodeNumber(uint256) public view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256);
advice on how to proceed?
If you take each of a,b,c
to be 32 bits (4 bytes, or a standard int in most languages) you can do it with some simple bitshifting.
pragma solidity 0.4.24;
contract Test {
function encodeNumbers(uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 c) public view returns(uint256 encoded) {
encoded |= (a << 64);
encoded |= (b << 32);
encoded |= (c);
return encoded;
function decodeNumber(uint256 encoded) public view returns (uint256 a, uint256 b, uint256 c) {
a = encoded >> 64;
b = (encoded << 192) >> 224;
c = (encoded << 224) >> 224;
When encoding, we simply move the numbers into sequential 32-bit sections. When decoding, we do the opposite. However, in the case of b and c, we need to first blank out the other numbers by shifting left first, then shifting right.
, as the name says, actually has 256 bits, so you could actually fit 3 numbers up to 85 bits each in there, if you really needed to.