In the Python's standard max function I can pass in a key
s = numpy.array(['one','two','three'])
max(s) # 'two' (lexicographically last)
max(s, key=len) # 'three' (longest string)
With a larger (multi-dimensional) array, we can not longer use max
, but we can use numpy.amax... which unfortunately offers no key
t = numpy.array([['one','two','three'],
numpy.amax(t) # 'two` (max of the flat array)
numpy.amax(t, axis=1) # array([two, six], dtype=object) (max of first row, followed by max of second row)
What I want to be able to do is:
amax2(t, key=len) # 'three'
amax2(t, key=len, axis=1) # array([three, four], dtype=object)
Is there a built-in method to do this?
Note: In trying to write this question the first time I couldn't get amax working in this toy example!
This is a non built-in way (it's missing the out
and keepdim
parameters of features of amax when using key
), it seems rather long:
def amax2(x, *args, **kwargs):
if 'key' not in kwargs:
return numpy.amax(x,*args,**kwargs)
key = kwargs.pop('key') # e.g. len, pop so no TypeError: unexpected keyword
x_key = numpy.vectorize(key)(x) # apply key to x element-wise
axis = kwargs.get('axis') # either None or axis is set in kwargs
if len(args)>=2: # axis is set in args
axis = args[1]
# The following is kept verbose, but could be made more efficient/shorter
if axis is None: # max of flattened
max_flat_index = numpy.argmax(x_key, axis=axis)
max_tuple_index = numpy.unravel_index(max_flat_index, x.shape)
return x[max_tuple_index]
elif axis == 0: # max in each column
max_indices = numpy.argmax(x_key, axis=axis)
return numpy.array(
[ x[max_i, i] # reorder for col
for i, max_i in enumerate(max_indices) ],
elif axis == 1: # max in each row
max_indices = numpy.argmax(x_key, axis=axis)
return numpy.array(
[ x[i, max_i]
for i, max_i in enumerate(max_indices) ],
The idea for this function is extended from the second part of @PeterSobot's answer to my previous question.