I'm using winston 3.0 with the @types/winston types. These types are not yet fully compatible, and I've come across an error in the types which I don't know how to correct.
Here's my code.
export function middleware(): express.Handler {
const transport = new winston.transports.Console({
json: true,
colorize: true,
stringify: getStringify()
const loggerOptions: expressWinston.LoggerOptionsWithTransports = {
transports: [transport],
meta: true,
msg: "HTTP {{req.method}} {{req.url}}",
expressFormat: true,
colorize: false
return expressWinston.logger(loggerOptions);
The ts error on loggerOptions is
Property 'writable' is missing in type 'TransportInstance'
The problem is fixed if I extend the TransportInstance interface in @types/winston with NodeJS.WriteStream. i.e. change this:
interface TransportInstance extends TransportStatic, NodeJS.EventEmitter {
to this:
interface TransportInstance extends TransportStatic, NodeJS.EventEmitter, NodeJS.WriteStream {
But of course, I can't change that because it's a 3rd party dependancy and the declaration is in node_modules. So how do I redeclare an interface which I've imported as an npm dependency?
I've started looking into Declaration Merging:
import * as winston from "winston";
export namespace winston {
export interface TransportInstance
extends winston.TransportInstance,
NodeJS.WriteStream {}
But this doesn't have any impact. I'm not sure how to import this interface into logger.js instead of the one that comes in when I import the winston library.
Try using module augmentation. This works for me:
declare module "winston" {
interface TransportInstance extends NodeJS.WriteStream {}