How do I remove double back slash from a bytes object?

a 夏天 提交于 2021-02-09 10:49:28


For example, t = str.encode(msg)

print(t) I am getting the double slashes.


I would like to get the result as


Any help would be appreciated.


You can't do that because '\\' represent a slash, not a double slash. For example, if you will convert the msg to a string and use the print function to print the msg, you will see only one slash.


There are different encoding options that can help you get what you want. Below I encode and decode to get the desired result:

from codecs import encode

# I have the string shortened for presentation
your_string = "\\xda\\xad\\x94"


Now if you have an unescaped string it's even better:

from codecs import encode

your_string = "\xda\xad\x94"

encode(your_string, "raw_unicode_escape")

These both yield a byte of value:


I have found that other encodings can be used rather than 'raw_unicode_escape', but I thought it best to use it.

For more information on encodings see:

Python 2 Standard Encodings
Python 3 Standard Encodings


In Python 3.6 having you can use

data_bytes, _ = codecs.escape_decode(data, 'hex')` part of `import codecs

library. In your case data is msg variable.

If you print the value of data_bytes you will get your values in bytes


I wanted to place this as a comment to Adrian Gherasims answer, but it got too long so I put it as a separate "answer".

For normal symbols you can use the replace-function

In [1]: temp = 'aa1aa2aa3aa4aa5'
In [2]: temp
Out[2]: 'aa1aa2aa3aa4aa5'
In [3]: temp.replace('aa', 'a')
Out[3]: 'a1a2a3a4a5'

However if you try to do the same with your double slash it gives a syntax error

In [4]: temp2 = '\\1\\2\\3\\4'
In [5]: temp2
Out[5]: '\\1\\2\\3\\4'
In [6]: temp2.replace('\\', '\')

File "<ipython-input-6-3973ee057a3e>", line 1
temp2.replace('\\', '\')
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning string literal

