i'm puzzeled after a few attempts to get a simple UDP multicast receiver working. After my own code did not work as expected i tried out the exact example posted in the vertx documentation:
DatagramSocket socket = vertx.createDatagramSocket(new DatagramSocketOptions());
socket.listen(1234, "", asyncResult -> {
if (asyncResult.succeeded()) {
socket.handler(packet -> {
// Do something with the packet
// join the multicast group
socket.listenMulticastGroup("", asyncResult2 -> {
System.out.println("Listen succeeded? " + asyncResult2.succeeded());
} else {
System.out.println("Listen failed" + asyncResult.cause());
After executing, i got the following exception:
java.lang.NullPointerException: networkInterface
at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioDatagramChannel.joinGroup(NioDatagramChannel.java:409)
at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioDatagramChannel.joinGroup(NioDatagramChannel.java:368)
at io.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioDatagramChannel.joinGroup(NioDatagramChannel.java:362)
at io.vertx.core.datagram.impl.DatagramSocketImpl.listenMulticastGroup(DatagramSocketImpl.java:90)
I can get it to work when providing the right IP address of the network interface (e.g. instead of However, this means iterating over all network interfaces and adding a socket per interface.
Any ideas? Thank you!
UDP multicast listening is incredibly error prone, especially in virtual machines.
This is from my production code. First, to get a valid interface:
static NetworkInterface mainInterface() throws SocketException {
final ArrayList<NetworkInterface> interfaces = Collections.list(NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces());
final NetworkInterface networkInterface = interfaces.stream().filter(ni -> {
boolean isLoopback = false;
boolean supportsMulticast = false;
boolean isVirtualbox = false;
try {
isLoopback = ni.isLoopback();
supportsMulticast = ni.supportsMulticast();
isVirtualbox = ni.getDisplayName().contains("VirtualBox") || ni.getDisplayName().contains("Host-Only");
} catch (IOException loopbackTestFailure) {
final boolean hasIPv4 = ni.getInterfaceAddresses().stream().anyMatch(ia -> ia.getAddress() instanceof Inet4Address);
return supportsMulticast && !isLoopback && !ni.isVirtual() && hasIPv4 && !isVirtualbox;
return networkInterface;
Then, the most bullet-proof datagram socket creation:
String multicastAddress = "";
NetworkInterface networkInterface = mainInterface();
Future isListening = Future.future();
vertx.createDatagramSocket(new DatagramSocketOptions()
.listen(6112, "", next -> {
next.result().listenMulticastGroup(multicastAddress, networkInterface.getName(), null, listener -> {
final DatagramSocket socket = listener.result();
socket.handler(packet -> {
// Your handler here
Observe my choice of a higher-than-1024 port, the reuse flags, and the special casing for VirtualBox.