JUnit test in Spring - overriding and ignoring beans from application other configuration classes

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2021-02-08 15:29:07


We have large application written in Spring 3. I need to write JUnit test checking behavior of some service. It is not a unit but part of a system. There are some services and repositories working together insite it -> lot of injected beans inside. The app also uses aspects.

My question is. How to manage config and beans in this case of tests? I need to use beans defined in app configes and in tests only redefine beans using persistence to work with a embedded db. So I need to use beans from src as they are defined and override only some causing troubles (persistance beans, beans using webservices,...) In test package I made Config class definying beans for persistance, using datasource for hsql. But I don`t know what next. I tried to annotate Test config class with:

@EnableTransactionManagement(mode = AdviceMode.ASPECTJ, proxyTargetClass = true)
@ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.example.our.app")
public class MyTestConfig implements TransactionManagementConfigurer {

to scan whole application and use configuration of beans from src folder. But this also takes configs from other tests causing problems. Is this whole good strategy or not? What now - use excludeFilters to remove other test configs? Or is this strategy whole bad?



I think best way here to use is Spring profiles. Check here now to use H2 for tests with profiles.


You can selectively overwrite beans with the context merging functionality supplied by the @ContextHierarchy annotation.

In order to get this working for your use case you will have to create a base context that scans your app for Spring beans:

public class MyTestConfig implements TransactionManagementConfigurer {

Then create a base class that utilizes this context and names it - this won't work with named contexts!:

@ContextHierarchy( {
    @ContextConfiguration(name="testContext", classes = MyTestConfig.class),
public class BaseTest {

And finally write a unit test that extends the base class and defines a new context under the same name to overwrite individual beans with a test specific configuration:

    @ContextHierarchy(@ContextConfiguration(name="testContext", classes = OneUnitTest.Config.class))
    public class OneUnitTest extends AggroBaseTest {
      static class Config {      


You can also override with another import

    <import resource="classpath*:applocationContext.xml" />
    <bean id="dataSourceFactory" class=com.demo.MyNewClass/>

And in you class if you


retrieve the class, you would see the instance of new class


<bean id="dataSourceFactory" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource" >
    <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driverClassName}"/>
    <property name="url" value="${jdbc.url}"/>
    <property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}"/>
    <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"/>

So there are different ways you can override the default behaviour

