Create pgp file with gpg from command line

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2021-02-08 15:14:47


I want to encrypt an xml file and I am using gpg4win (kleopatra). Using the kleopatra interface I set an option to produce files with extension pgp instead of gpg which is the default extension.

I am trying to create a pgp file from command line using the command

gpg -r -se C:\temp\myfile.xml

because I need to submit it in a web app that accepts pgp only. I have tried to put some other options in the command but I always get a gpg file. How can I produce a pgp file from command line?


This may not be the same process as others, but this worked for me:

gpg --batch --yes --recipient "user" --output "fulldirectory\filename.txt.pgp" --encrypt "fulldirectory\filename.txt"


GnuPG syntax for encryption is stated here. You can simply use the --output [filename].[suffix] parameter.

So go with gpg --encrypt C:\temp\myfile.xml --recipient --output C:\temp\myfile.pgp.

Please note that .pgp is actually the suffix for a key not an encrypted file. See here.

