How do I get an IDbTransaction from an IDbContext?

允我心安 提交于 2021-02-08 13:16:41


An IDbContext has a DatabaseFacade, which has a CurrentTransaction property. But the CurrentTransaction is an IDbContextTransaction. I want to pass an IDbTransaction to Dapper.

How do I get an IDbTransaction instead of an IDbContextTransaction?


Currently (up to latest at this time EF Core 2.0) there is no official way to do that.

But you can use the following custom extension method to get it from IDbContextTransaction:

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Infrastructure;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage;
using System.Data.Common;

public static class EFExtensions
    public static DbTransaction GetDbTransaction(this IDbContextTransaction source)
        return (source as IInfrastructure<DbTransaction>).Instance;


var dbTransaction = context.Database.CurrentTransaction.GetDbTransaction();

Update: Actually EF Core provides extension method with the above signature out of the box. It's provided by the DbContextTransactionExtensions class. In order to use it, all you need is a reference to Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational.dll assembly and

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage;

