I have a text file with a bunch of names and figures that I would like to print to my window. I am using Python 3.3 and Tkinter. So to elaborate I would like the program to read a the text file and then show the contents of the text file in the program (either in label or text area)
So something like:
Results = Label(window, text = "HERE I WANT THE RESULTS FROM THE TEXT FILE")
Results.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
From your comments it seems you know how to read a text file:
data_file = open("myfile.txt")
data = data_file.read()
And you know how to put a string into a label:
Results = Label(window, text = data)
Results.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
So, to put them together, you just... Put them together.
file = open("myfile.txt")
data = file.read()
Results = Label(window, text = data)
Results.grid(row = 1, column = 1)
Here's what you need to do to update a text label after updating:
Results.config(text="New Text")
You can also run the update_idletasks() function against the main Tkinter window object, which will refresh all values that have been updated.
As far as opening a file and reading values from it, check out this page: