Why declare a pointer in SDL before initializing SDL?

╄→尐↘猪︶ㄣ 提交于 2021-02-08 12:12:52


In this code, I see that they declare a pointer before initializing SDL:

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    SDL_Window *window;                    // Declare a pointer

    SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO);              // Initialize SDL2

    // Create an application window with the following settings:
    window = SDL_CreateWindow(
        "An SDL2 window",                  // window title
        SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,           // initial x position
        SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,           // initial y position
        640,                               // width, in pixels
        480,                               // height, in pixels
        SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL                  // flags - see below

(full code can be found here)

Wouldn't it be more organized to declare the pointer right before you create a window, just so it would be neater and more organized? Why declare it beforehand?

If I would take a guess, it's good to just have all the pointers in one area, so you can see all the pointers at one time. Or is it just a good habit to get used to?

The habit of declaring pointers at the beginning of int main(). (I've also seen this happen in other source programs, from example programs)


There is no technical reason why you need to declare a pointer before SDL_Init. Declaring a pointer variable carries no implications with it, it just reserves space on the stack for that pointer. It could just as easily be declared after SDL_Init, or as part of the statement that calls SDL_CreateWindow.

I honestly don't know why they put it that way in the docs.

