Add spacing between columns in Bootstrap 4 grid

人走茶凉 提交于 2021-02-08 12:00:39


I have the following code

<% include partials/header %>

<div class="container">

    <header class="jumbotron">
        <div class="container">
            <h1>Welcome to YelpCamp!</h1>

            <p>View our handpicked campgrounds from all over the world!</p>

            <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-large" href="/campgrounds/new">Add New Campsite</a></p>

    <div class="row text-center" >
        <% campgrounds.forEach(function(campground){ %>
            <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 img-thumbnail p-0 ">
                <img class="img-fluid" src="<%= campground.image %>">
                <caption> <%= %> </caption>
        <% }) %>

<a href="/">Back</a>

<% include partials/footer %>

I'm reading from a campgrounds list and adding them to a Bootstrap grid. However, the elements have no spacing between them. In Bootstrap 3 those gaps were automatic when using thumbnail (not available in 4). If I add a margin mx-3, for example, to

`class="col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-xs-6 img-thumbnail"`

this is added to the total width and the lest item is displaced. How can I add spacing between columns?


Bootstrap 4 can also give you automatic spacing. Assuming you use the right components for your needs.

The right component in your case would be the figure component. With the classes figure-img img-thumbnail applied to the images.

And for image captions, you should use these (instead of what you tried to use):

<figcaption class="figure-caption">Your Image Caption</figcaption>

The justify-content-center class on the row will center the thumbnails if you happen to have an uneven number of them or if you decide to add col-md-4 to the columns.

Click "run code snippet" below and expand to full page for testing:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha384-Gn5384xqQ1aoWXA+058RXPxPg6fy4IWvTNh0E263XmFcJlSAwiGgFAW/dAiS6JXm" crossorigin="anonymous">

<div class="container">
   <header class="jumbotron pl-5">
       <h1>Welcome to YelpCamp!</h1>
       <p>View our handpicked campgrounds from all over the world!</p>
       <p><a class="btn btn-primary btn-large" href="/campgrounds/new">Add New Campsite</a></p>

   <div class="row justify-content-center text-center">
       <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
           <figure class="figure">
               <img src="" class="figure-img img-thumbnail">
               <figcaption class="figure-caption">A caption for the above image.</figcaption>
       <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
           <figure class="figure">
               <img src="" class="figure-img img-thumbnail">
               <figcaption class="figure-caption">A caption for the above image.</figcaption>
       <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
           <figure class="figure">
               <img src="" class="figure-img img-thumbnail">
               <figcaption class="figure-caption">A caption for the above image.</figcaption>
       <div class="col-6 col-lg-3">
           <figure class="figure">
               <img src="" class="figure-img img-thumbnail">
               <figcaption class="figure-caption">A caption for the above image.</figcaption>

Also: You should avoid nesting Bootstrap containers unless absolutely necessary which is almost never the case.

