Associate a shell script (starting a Java JAR) with a file extension in a Mac application bundle

荒凉一梦 提交于 2021-02-08 11:48:04


To run a Java8-JAR archive on Macs with a higher Java version I pack the jar into an APP bundle ( together with a bash-script,

let's call it (edit: removed "-cp" argument, inserted echoing command line arguments):

# Set the working directory
DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)
APP_NAME="Some Java Stuff"

#test: set command line args
ARGS_MSG="command line args: $STUFF_ARGS"
osascript \
    -e "set question to display dialog \"$ARGS_MSG\" with title \"$STUFF_TITLE\" buttons {\"Cancel\"} default button 1"
#end test

exec $_java $VM_ARGS_A -Dapple.laf.useScreenMenuBar=true -Xdock:name="$APP_NAME" -Xdock:icon="$DIR/../Resources/$APP_ICNS" -jar "$DIR/$APP_JAR"

Snippet from my Info.plist:

                <string>Java Stuff calculation</string>

It's running fine, basically.

What doesn't work: opening files with that app. I'd like it to do is make the jar to open files. The Java application itself can open a file (custom XML file type) that is named as command line argument.

When I "right-click" (ctrl-click) on a file of that type and choose open with (my app), the file name is not passed to the command line. The invoked dialog only displays "command line args: ", when I tell Finder to open a file with

I've read in that question that it can be done with an AppleScript that has a "on open theFiles" section. Or with Automator.

So, I tried to write an AppleScript snippet that collects the passed objects and passes them to the bash script

property theApplicationPath : the path to me as text
property theShellScriptPath : theApplicationPath & ""

set arguments to ""
on open theFiles
    repeat with anItem in theFiles
        set arguments to arguments & space & (quoted form of POSIX path of anItem)
    end repeat
end open

do shell script theShellScriptPath & arguments

I saved it in the ScriptEditor as stuff.scpt and applied the change to my Info.plist.

As a result, I get an error message when I try to open the bundle, roughly translated: "You can't open the application '', because this Mac-Type does not support it". The App-Icon is displayed a strike-through.

On apple.stackexchange I've read that on LaunchAgent.plist you can insert a <ProgramArguments>-key into the plist. Is it also possible in the Info.plist of the application bundle? And can one pass the file path that way too?

Thank you!

