I am trying to fetch data from this website into my google spreadsheet using Google Apps Scripts: https://net.statev.de/#/pages/buisness/storage/5aec8c9a3b82972b99e741c6
And need to login here first: https://net.statev.de/#/login
This is the function i came up with:
function fetch() {
var loginURL = 'https://net.statev.de/#/login';
var dataURL = 'https://net.statev.de/#/pages/buisness/storage/5aec8c9a3b82972b99e741c6';
var loginPayload = {
var loginOptions = {'method':'post','payload':loginPayload,'followredirects':false};
var loginResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(loginURL,loginOptions);
var loginHeaders = loginResponse.getAllHeaders();
var cookie = [loginResponse.getAllHeaders()["Set-Cookie"]];
cookie[0] = cookie[0].split(";")[0];
cookie = cookie.join(";");
var dataHeaders = {'Cookie':cookie};
var dataOptions = {'method':'get','headers':dataHeaders};
var dataResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(dataURL,dataOptions);
My problem here is, I only get 404 Error from the UrlFetchApp.fetch and i don't really get what I am doing wrong. Is it possible that the website blocks my fetch request?
The registration form doesn't work, so I couldn't test this. That said, it seems that you are not calling the correct authorization endpoint. You can use Chrome Dev Tools as a network sniffer
It's extremely likely that using just the login & password combo will not do the job - if it does work, the website you link to is lousily programmed and not secure.
To sum up, here's the data:
Payload properties
{"password": password, "username": username}