Query for calculating duration between two different logs in Splunk

佐手、 提交于 2021-02-08 08:40:00


As part of my requirements, I have to calculate the duration between two different logs using Splunk query. For example:

Log 2: 2020-04-22 13:12 ADD request received ID : 123

Log 1 : 2020-04-22 12:12 REMOVE request received ID : 122

The common String between two logs is " request received ID :" and unique strings between two logs are "ADD", "REMOVE". And the expected output duration is 1 hour.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks


You can use the transaction command, https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/latest/SearchReference/Transaction

Assuming you have the field ID extracted, you can do

index=* | transaction ID

This will automatically produce a field called duration, which is the time between the first and last event with the same ID


While transaction will work, it's very inefficient

This stats should show you what you're looking for (presuming the fields are already extracted):

(index=ndxA OR index=ndxB) ID=* ("ADD" OR "REMOVE")
| stats min(_time) as when_added max(_time) as when_removed by ID
| eval when_added=strftime(when_added,"%c"), when_removed(when_removed,"%c")

If you don't already have fields extracted, you'll need to modify thusly (remove the "\D^" in the regex if the ID value isn't at the end of the line):

(index=ndxA OR index=ndxB) ("ADD" OR "REMOVE")
| rex field=_raw "ID \s+:\s+(?<ID>\d+)\D^"
| stats min(_time) as when_added max(_time) as when_removed by ID
| eval when_added=strftime(when_added,"%c"), when_removed(when_removed,"%c")

