add columns in dataframes dynamically with column names as elements in List

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-02-08 08:06:42


I have List[N] like below

val check = List ("a","b","c","d")

where N can be any number of elements.

I have a dataframe with only column called "value". Based on the contents of value i need to create N columns with column names as elements in the list and column contents as substring(x,y)

I have tried all possible ways, like withColumn, selectExpr, nothing works. Please consider substring(X,Y) where X and Y as some numbers based on some metadata

Below are my different codes which I tried, but none worked,

val df ="xxxxx")
val coder: (String => String) = (arg: String) => {
val param = "NULL"
if (arg.length() > Y )
val sqlfunc = udf(coder)
val check = List ("a","b","c","d")
for (name <- check){val testDF2 = df.withColumn(name, sqlfunc(df("value")))}

testDF2 has only last column d and other columns such as a,b,c are not added in table

var z:Array[String] = new Array[String](check.size)
var i=0
for ( x <- check ) {
if ( (i+1) == check.size) {
z(i) = s""""substring(a.value,X,Y) as $x""""
i = i+1}
z(i) = s""""substring(a.value,X,Y) as $x","""
i = i+1}}
val zz = z.mkString(" ")

This throws error

Please help how to add columns in DF dynamically with column names as elements in List

I am expecting an Df like below

Value| a | b | c | d | .... N


you can dynamically add columns from your list using for instance this answer by user6910411 to a similar question (see her/his full answer for more possibilities):

val newDF = check.foldLeft(<yourdf>)((df, name) => df.withColumn(name,<yourUDF>$"value"))

