How can I get the byte array of the opened Word Document (.docm) without saving it to a local drive first. The document will be opened on a Thin Client without any local drive from SharePoint. When the user want to save the changes, I need to send the byte array to a web-service to process it. (Not back to SharePoint).
Dim filePath As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim fullFileName As String
filePath = ThisDocument.path
fileName = ThisDocument.Name
fullFileName = filePath + "/" + fileName
- the value of filePath is 'http://webiste/application'
- the value of fileName is 'theOpenFileName.docm'
- the value of fullFileName is 'http://webiste/application/theOpenFileName.docm'
How can I get the whole file as a byte array so I can send it to the web-service like this:
Dim bytFile() As Byte
Dim http
Dim userName As String
Dim url As String
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
userName = "Me"
'--- read file
bytFile = ??????????
'--- send the file to the API server
url = "http://localhost/DocWebApi/Post?fileName=" & fileName & "&userName=" & userName
http.Open "POST", url, False
http.Send (bytFile)
http.waitForResponse 4000
Thanks in advance!
Try the next approach, please:
Sub testByteArray()
Dim bytFile() As Byte, strDocShare As String
Dim fileDoc As Integer: fileDoc = FreeFile
strDocShare = Application.GetOpenFilename("Office Documents (*.docm),*.docm", , "Please select document to be processed...")
If strDocShare = False Then Exit Sub 'If no document has been selected
Open strDocShare For Binary Access Read As #fileDoc
ReDim bytFile(0 To LOF(fileDoc) - 1)
Get #fileDoc, , bytFile
Close #fileDoc
End Sub
If the document will be open, the above code may return an error. A method to determine if a shared document/workbook is open by other user, uses some similar code and catches the error...