Difference between dates, rounded result to nearest minute

落爺英雄遲暮 提交于 2021-02-08 06:33:13


The difference between dates wants to round to the nearest minute. Round date1,date2 down or up. The returned result is already rounded up to the full minute. I can modify date1,date2. Do not modify the result already returned

date2- date1

Code here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/react-azau4g


First step

this.state = {
  date1: "2019-06-29 21:25:38+00",
  date2: "2019-06-29T21:25:40.000+00:00"

round = (item) => {
  var m = moment(item);

  var roundUp = (m.second() || m.millisecond() ? m.add(1, 'minute').startOf('minute') : m.startOf('minute')).toISOString();
  return roundUp;

differentTime = {
    date1: this.state.date1.toISOString(),  
    date2: this.round(this.state.date2)   //return "2019-06-29T21:26:00.000+00:00"

Second step

Expected effect:

data2 - data1 = 1 min

Example 2

 this.state = {
      date1: "2019-06-29 21:25:01+00",
      date2: "2019-06-29T21:27:20.000+00:00"

 differentTime2 = {
        date1: this.state.date1.toISOString(), 
        date2: this.round(this.state.date2)   //return "2019-06-29T21:28:00.000+00:00"

Expecting effect:

date2 - date1 = 3 min


It looks like you want a function that subtracts one date from another and round the difference to the nearest minute.

This can't be done with a single argument like the round function in your question; you need a function that takes both dates as arguments.

I'm not too familiar with moment, but here's a function that should work for built-in Dates.

EDIT: Per OP's comments, I've updated the function to modify d2 rather than returning diff.

    MS_IN_MINUTES = 60000;

    roundAway = (d1, d2) => {
      let diff = d2 - d1 // Difference in milliseconds (+ or -)
      let positive = diff > 0 // Whether we should add later
      diff = Math.abs(diff) // Difference in milliseconds (+)
      diff = diff / MS_IN_MINUTES // Difference in minutes (not rounded)
      diff = Math.ceil(diff) // Difference in minutes (rounded up)
      let roundedAway = d1.getTime()
      if (positive) {
          roundedAway += diff * MS_IN_MINUTES
      else {
          roundedAway -= diff * MS_IN_MINUTES
    let date1 = new Date("2019-06-29 21:25:38+00");
    console.log('date1:', date1)

    let date2 = new Date("2019-06-29T21:25:40.000+00:00");
    console.log('date2:', date2)

    let date3 = new Date("2019-06-29T21:24:36.000+00:00");
    console.log('date3:', date3)

    console.log('Unchanged date1:', date1);

    roundAway(date1, date2);
    console.log('Rounded date2:', date2);

    roundAway(date1, date3);
    console.log('Rounded date3:', date3);

Hope that helps!


This might help you round a date to the nearest minute:

const date = moment("2019-06-29T21:59:59.000+00:00");
const seconds = date.seconds();
date.add(seconds > 0 && 60 - seconds, 's');


We can use the diff method to get the number of milliseconds, convert it to minutes and then ceil the result

import moment from 'moment';

let date1 = moment("2019-06-29 21:25:38+00");

let date2 = moment("2019-06-29T21:25:40.000+00:00");

// get the difference between the moments
const diff = date2.diff(date1);

// convert to minutes and ceil
const diffInMinutes = Math.ceil(diff/60000);

