Suppose I have the vertices of a polygon and they are all oriented CCW. I wish to generate n equidistance points along the boundary of this polygon. Does anyone know of any existing package that does this, and if not, an algorithm one can use? I am working in Python. For example, here is what I would like if the polygon in question is a rectangle:
enter image description here
import shapely.geometry as sg
import shapely.affinity as sa
import matplotlib.pyplot as P
import numpy as np
n = 7
k = 11
ori = sg.Point([0,0])
p = [sg.Point([0,1])]
for j in range(1,n):
ngon = sg.Polygon(p)
P.scatter(*np.transpose([ngon.exterior.interpolate(t).xy for t in np.linspace(
To add to the possible solutions, and so I have a record. This incarnation just uses numpy to densify the boundary of polygons or polylines.
def _pnts_on_line_(a, spacing=1, is_percent=False): # densify by distance
"""Add points, at a fixed spacing, to an array representing a line.
**See** `densify_by_distance` for documentation.
a : array
A sequence of `points`, x,y pairs, representing the bounds of a polygon
or polyline object.
spacing : number
Spacing between the points to be added to the line.
is_percent : boolean
Express the densification as a percent of the total length.
Called by `pnt_on_poly`.
N = len(a) - 1 # segments
dxdy = a[1:, :] - a[:-1, :] # coordinate differences
leng = np.sqrt(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', dxdy, dxdy)) # segment lengths
if is_percent: # as percentage
spacing = abs(spacing)
spacing = min(spacing / 100, 1.)
steps = (sum(leng) * spacing) / leng # step distance
steps = leng / spacing # step distance
deltas = dxdy / (steps.reshape(-1, 1)) # coordinate steps
pnts = np.empty((N,), dtype='O') # construct an `O` array
for i in range(N): # cycle through the segments and make
num = np.arange(steps[i]) # the new points
pnts[i] = np.array((num, num)).T * deltas[i] + a[i]
a0 = a[-1].reshape(1, -1) # add the final point and concatenate
return np.concatenate((*pnts, a0), axis=0)
Results for a hexagon densified at 4 unit point spacing.
h = np.array([[-8.66, 5.00], [ 0.00, 10.00], [ 8.66, 5.00], [ 8.66, -5.00],
[ 0.00,-10.00], [-8.66, -5.00], [-8.66, 5.00]]) # ---- hexagon
As suggested in a comment, I will add the densify by factor incarnation
h = np.array([[-8.66, 5.00], [-2.5, 5.0], [ 0.00, 10.00], [2.5, 5.0], [ 8.66, 5.00], [ 8.66, -5.00], [ 0.00,-10.00], [-8.66, 5.00]]) # ---- a polygon
_densify_by_factor(h, factor=3)
def _densify_by_factor(a, factor=2):
"""Densify a 2D array using np.interp.
a : array
A 2D array of points representing a polyline/polygon boundary.
fact : number
The factor to density the line segments by.
a = np.squeeze(a)
n_fact = len(a) * factor
b = np.arange(0, n_fact, factor)
b_new = np.arange(n_fact - 1) # Where you want to interpolate
c0 = np.interp(b_new, b, a[:, 0])
c1 = np.interp(b_new, b, a[:, 1])
n = c0.shape[0]
c = np.zeros((n, 2))
c[:, 0] = c0
c[:, 1] = c1
return c