How to fix “Unable to derive module descriptor for .jar file” error in fxml

落花浮王杯 提交于 2021-02-08 05:27:14


I would like to get an image from JAR library to my project.

            <Image url="@/toolbarButtonGraphics/general/TipOfTheDay24.gif"/>

I've added the library to my module and it seemed to be correct but the compiler throws an error: Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang.module.FindException: Unable to derive module descriptor for filepath.jar Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: jlfgr.1.0: Invalid module name: '1' is not a Java identifier. Here's my module-info file:

requires javafx.fxml;
requires javafx.controls;

opens sample;

Thanks for any help!


it seems like you did not follow the steps properly. When you add a new library, first, you add it to your module and then you have to add it to you module-info file.

Just add a line in module-info ---> requires <package-name>;

e.g my package name is graphics-looks.jar ---> requires graphics-looks;

P.S. before adding that jar anywhere, try to rename it and give a simple name by removing numbers and other characters from its name.


Switch the project programming language, set it to version 11 on both sdk and language level. it worked for me.

