I'm using WordPress.
Have multiple categories with its subcategories. In general page, I'm displaying all first level categories. Here is my code:
$args = array(
'type' => 'product-items',
'child_of' => 0,
'parent' => '',
'order' => 'DESC',
'hide_empty' => 0,
'hierarchical' => 1,
'exclude' => '',
'include' => '',
'number' => '',
'taxonomy' => 'product-category',
'pad_counts' => false,
'depth' => 1,
'title_li' => ''
Once you click and go inside a first level category, you need to see only its subcategories there. When I'm removing 'depth' => 1,
option, all children appear under their parent category but for page speed/load, in sub page I need to show all first-level categories, but only current category's children.
For example, I have below 3 categories:
- Category 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
Imagine I click on "Category 1". Now it is like this:
- Category 1
- 1st Sub Category of 1
- 2nd Sub Category of 1
- 3rd Sub Category of 1
- Category 2
- 1st Sub Category of 2
- 1st sub of 2nd category sub
- 2nd sub of 2nd category sub
- 3rd sub of 2nd category sub
- 2nd Sub Category of 2
- 3rd Sub Category of 2
- 1st Sub Category of 2
- Category 3
- 1st Sub Category of 3
- 2nd Sub Category of 3
- 3rd Sub Category of 3
But I need it to be like this in sub page:
- Category 1
- 1st Sub Category of 1
- 2nd Sub Category of 1
- 3rd Sub Category of 1
- Category 2
- Category 3
Not sure how to achieve this with wp_list_categories()
function. Any ideas please?
It would be better if you use 2 get_terms() instead of wp_list_categories. It would be faster and customizable. One for parent categories, another one for children of current category. Here is working example:
function display_cats($cats,$current=0,$current_children=array()){
$ret= '<ul>';
foreach ($cats as $cs){
$ret.= '<li> <a href="'.get_term_link($cs->term_id).'"> '.$cs->name.'</a> '.$children.' </li>
$ret.= '</ul>';
return $ret;
$current_cat=9;//for example
$current_children=get_terms('product_cat',array('taxonomy'=>'product_cat','child_of'=> $current_cat ,'echo'=>false));
echo display_cats($parents,$current_cat,$current_children);
I'd take the get_terms()
Something such as
$terms = get_terms($args);
foreach($terms as $term){
// If $term is current term use get_terms() again to fetch its children
For anyone who still needs help, here's how to do it.
$category = get_queried_object();
$category_id = $category->term_id;
From this we will get the current category id and we need to pass it to the array.
'child_of' => $category_id,
This will get you all the subcategories of the current category.
Hope this is helpful.