Using model attributes in a th:href link

我的未来我决定 提交于 2021-02-07 14:52:04


Is there a way of referencing a model attribute in a th:href link? For example

<a th:text="${currentUser}" th:href="@{/user/{currentUser}}"></a>

Here, currentUser is a model variable as specified in a controller. This can be accessed easily as seen in the th:text tag. However, the th:href fails the thymeleaf parsing. If there any way of referencing a model attribute in this way, in the th:href? For reference, this is a Spring MVC (bootstrap) application with Thymeleaf support.


In order to include a model variable in th:href you have to include it with the ${...} indicator, you could use the pipes to easily concatenate:

<a th:text="${currentUser}" th:href="@{|/user/${currentUser}|}"></a>

Official documentation on url syntax here.

