What is the standard way to use JavaDoc to document a Map?

有些话、适合烂在心里 提交于 2021-02-07 14:20:37


I'm documenting some code, and I have a private HashMap. I'd like to specify information about what is expected from the key and value. Right now I have:

 * HashMap where key=word, value=part of speech
private HashMap<String, String> dictionary;

However, this seems hard to read, and also like it won't work well when I have something more complex like

HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>

What are best/common practices for documenting maps?


If you need a small javadoc, I suggest the following:

 * Dictionary is a {@link Map} collection that contains {@link Object1} as
 * key and {@link Object2} as value.
private Map<Object1, Object2> dictionary = new HashMap<>();

@link keywork will redirect you on instance definition.

Note : Using an interface as a type (Map instead of HashMap) should be preferred.

