Disable Months On Month/DatePicker

社会主义新天地 提交于 2021-02-07 13:33:44


Please look at my fiddle.

I have a monthpicker which only allows users to select a year in advance but what I want is for past months to be disabled and also any months after a year in advance to be disabled but I cant figure out how to get this to work.

Example Scenario Current month is 'October' so for 'Year 2015' months 'Jan to Sept' will be disabled and months 'Nov to Dec' will be disabled for 'Year 2016'

I have tried using minDate: "0" and maxDate: "1y" but they don't work.


<div class="input-group date" style="width: 200px">
    <input type="text" id="example1" class="form-control" style="cursor: pointer"/>
        <span class="input-group-addon">
            <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>


    format: "MM yyyy",
    minViewMode: 1,
    autoclose: true,
    startDate: new Date(new Date().getFullYear(), '0', '01'),
    endDate: new Date(new Date().getFullYear()+1, '11', '31')



You can do it with startDate and endDate but try assigning date variable somewhere outside as below:

var date=new Date();
var year=date.getFullYear(); //get year
var month=date.getMonth(); //get month

    format: "MM yyyy",
    minViewMode: 1,
    autoclose: true,
    startDate: new Date(year, month, '01'), //set it here
    endDate: new Date(year+1, month, '31')


what I want is for past months to be disabled and also any months after a year in advance to be disabled

I have tried using minDate: "0" and maxDate: "1y" but they don't work.

You are on the right track. But, instead of minDate and maxDate use startDate and endDate. Like this:

$('#example1').datepicker ({
    startDate: "-0m",
    endDate: "+1y",    

-0m to allow only upto this month and +1y to allow only upto one year.

Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/abhitalks/RWY2X/34/

