Cobertura code coverage is 0% when using Maven 3

生来就可爱ヽ(ⅴ<●) 提交于 2021-02-07 13:15:57


After reading this: What is the proper way to use Cobertura with Maven 3.0.2 and this:

my POM file looks like this:




After running cobertura:cobertura i still don't get any reports. In target cobertura folder is empty and there is no folder called site. Can anyone tell me what did I do wrong? When i was using older approach with maven 2.2 everything worked fine yet with M3 i got bad results.


Ok, problem solved. Strangely after a few refreshes and rebuilds everything started to work just fine. Ser file was present in directory and now all reports are generated correctly. I am pretty astonished by that :)


Ok, what I have found it is that one might have to explicitly include **/* in the maven-surefire-plugin's configuration section when configuring special executions in the parent pom or when using a parent at all..... otherweise it did not execute any surefire tests at all during the cobertura execution and the reports always showed zero coverage.


I haven't tried running maven-cobertura-plugin as part of maven-site-plugin.

I did get it to work directly by moving maven-cobertura-plugin out of 'build' and into 'reporting', as in my answer here : Why cobertura reports code coverage as zero for all but one module in multi-module maven project?

