How to debug stack-overwriting errors with Valgrind?

a 夏天 提交于 2021-02-07 06:34:00


I just spent some time chasing down a bug that boiled down to the following. Code was erroneously overwriting the stack, and I think it wrote over the return address of the function call. Following the return, the program would crash and stack would be corrupted. Running the program in valgrind would return an error such as:

vex x86->IR: unhandled instruction bytes: 0xEA 0x3 0x0 0x0
==9222== valgrind: Unrecognised instruction at address 0x4e925a8.

I figure this is because the return jumped to a random location, containing stuff that were not valid x86 opcodes. (Though I am somehow suspicious that this address 0x4e925a8 happened to be in an executable page. I imagine valgrind would throw a different error if this wasn't the case.)

I am certain that the problem was of the stack-overwriting type, and I've since fixed it. Now I am trying to think how I could catch errors like this more effectively. Obviously, valgrind can't warn me if I rewrite data on the stack, but maybe it can catch when someone writes over a return address on the stack. In principle, it can detect when something like 'push EIP' happens (so it can flag where the return addresses are on the stack).

I was wondering if anyone knows if Valgrind, or anything else can do that? If not, can you comment on other suggestions regarding debugging errors of this type efficiently.


If the problem happens deterministically enough that you can point out particular function that has it's stack smashed (in one repeatable test case), you could, in gdb:

  1. Break at entry to that function
  2. Find where the return address is stored (it's relative to %ebp (on x86) (which keeps the value of %esp at the function entry), I am not sure whether there is any offset).
  3. Add watchpoint to that address. You have to issue the watch command with calculated number, not an expression, because with an expression gdb would try to re-evaluate it after each instruction instead of setting up a trap and that would be extremely slow.
  4. Let the function run to completion.

I have not yet worked with the python support available in gdb7, but it should allow automating this.


In general, Valgrind detection of overflows in stack and global variables is weak to non-existant. Arguably, Valgrind is the wrong tool for that job.

If you are on one of supported platforms, building with -fmudflap and linking with -lmudflap will give you much better results for these kinds of errors. Additional docs here.


Much has changed in the 6 years since this answer. On Linux, the tool to find stack (and heap) overflows is AddressSanitizer, supported by recent versions of GCC and Clang.

