Open a terminal window to a specified folder from a Cocoa app

≯℡__Kan透↙ 提交于 2021-02-07 05:51:40


I have seen this thread on how to execute terminal commands from within a Cocoa app. But I want to actually launch to a specified directory.

I know that the following does not work:

[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openFile:folderPath withApplication:@"Terminal"];

Terminal tries to actually open the folder as a file.

Is this something I have to use AppleScript for?

Any ideas?


You could use AppleScript from Cocoa like this:

NSString *s = [NSString stringWithFormat:
     @"tell application \"Terminal\" to do script \"cd %@\"", folderPath];

NSAppleScript *as = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource: s];
[as executeAndReturnError:nil];

AppleScript script was taken from cobbal. Thanks mate!


Not sure if there's a way to do it in plain cocoa, but in applescript it's fairly trivial

tell application "Terminal" to do script "cd ~/Desktop"


The existing answers suggesting using the cd command are great. Additionally, I recommend checking out the source to the app cdto for a great example. Cdto is a fast mini application that opens a window cd'd to the front most finder window. This app is designed (including it's icon) to placed in the finder window's toolbar.


You can use the (now obsolete) AppleEvent Carbon API to send an "Do Script" event to :

OSStatus doTerminalScript (NSString* script) {
    AppleEvent evt;
    OSStatus err;
        // Build event
    err = AEBuildAppleEvent(kAECoreSuite, kAEDoScript, 
                            typeApplicationBundleID, "", 18L,
                            kAutoGenerateReturnID, kAnyTransactionID, &evt, NULL,
                            "'----':utf8(@)", strlen([script UTF8String]), [script UTF8String]);
    if (err) return err;
    AppleEvent res;
        // Send event
    err = AESendMessage(&evt, &res, kAEWaitReply, kAEDefaultTimeout);
    if (err) return err;
        // Check for any errors from
    AEDesc desc;
    err = AEGetParamDesc(&res, keyErrorNumber, typeSInt32, &desc);
    if (!err) {
        AEGetDescData(&desc, &err, sizeof(err));
    } else if (err == errAEDescNotFound)
        err = noErr;
    return err;

Taken form here. Note that must be launched with -[NSWorkspace launchApplication:] if not running. If wanted, it can be put in foreground with - [NSApplication activateWithOptions:]

As suggested by a comment, this can be easily ported to the more modern Scripting Bridge API.


I don't really know AppleScript, but I bet you could use it for this.

If the terminal directory is the same each time, you could just make an executeable .sh file with a cd command in it and make that the openFile argument.

