How do I send a mail via mailx & subprocess?

寵の児 提交于 2021-02-07 03:53:21


I am EE, trying to write a script to simplify file checks using Python.

For some reason, our IT will not let me gain access to our SMTP server, and will only allow sending mail via mailx. So I've thought of running mailx from Python and send it, in the same way that it works in my console. Alas, it gives an exception. See Linux log below:

Python 3.1.1 (r311:74480, Dec  8 2009, 22:48:08) 
[GCC 3.3.3 (SuSE Linux)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import subprocess
>>> process=subprocess.Popen('echo "This is a test\nHave a loook see\n" | mailx -s "Test Python"')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/depot/Python-3.1.1/lib/python3.1/", line 646, in __init__
    errread, errwrite)
  File "/depot/Python-3.1.1/lib/python3.1/", line 1146, in _execute_child
    raise child_exception

I am a newbie to Python (now migrating from Perl). Any thoughts?


you can use smtplib

import smtplib
# email options
SERVER = "localhost"
FROM = ""
TO = ["root"]
SUBJECT = "Alert!"
TEXT = "This message was sent with Python's smtplib."

message = """\
From: %s
To: %s
Subject: %s

""" % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, TEXT)

server = smtplib.SMTP(SERVER)
server.sendmail(FROM, TO, message)

If you really want to use subprocess( which i advise against)

import subprocess
import sys
cmd="""echo "test" | mailx -s 'test!' root"""
p=subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output, errors = p.communicate()
print errors,output


You cas use Like:["mailx", "-s", "\"Test Python\"", ""])

Details here


Lior Dagan's code was close to being correct/functional: the error in this approach is a missing shell=True kwarg in the call to subprocess.Popen. Anyone actually considering this approach should be aware that the subprocess documentation warns that:

Invoking the system shell with shell=True can be a security hazard if combined with untrusted input.

Generally F0RR's and ghostdog74's solutions should be preferred as they are more robust and secure.

