I need to write a program to find the Max product of three numbers for a given array of size N. Is there any effective algorithm for this? I just need to know the algorithm steps. Non of algorithms that i thought works for all the test cases. Thanks! FYI Array may contains +ve, -ve, or zero elements)
Find the three largest numbers in the array (n1, n2, n3) and the two smallest numbers (m1, m2).
The answer is either n1 x n2 x n3 or n1 x m1 x m2
The method get the max product of 3 consists in basically find the biggest 3 numbers from the array and the smallest 2 numbers from the array in just 1 iteration over the array. There are of course a large variety of solutions but this is the optimal 1 because the time to solve the problem is O(n), the other solutions time is O(n lg n)
Here is the java code: by the way there is a guarantee that the input array is non empty and contains minimum 3 elements so there is no need to extra checks for empty and so on.
int solution(int[] a) {
/* the minimums initialized with max int to avoid cases with extreme max in array and false minims 0 minimums returned */
int min1 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int min2 = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
/* the same logic for maximum initializations but of course inverted to avoid extreme minimum values in array and false 0 maximums */
int max1 = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int max2 = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int max3 = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
//the iteration over the array
for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
//test if max1 is smaller than current array value
if (a[i] > max1) {
/* store the max1 current value in a temp var to test it later against the second maximum here as you can see is a chain of changes if is changed the biggest max we must change the other 2 */
int tempMax1 = max1;
//assign the current array value as maximum
//test tempMax1 former max1 value against max2
/* store max2 value in tempMax2 value to test it against max3 and assign it to max 3 if it's bigger */
int tempMax2 = max2;
max2 =tempMax1;
max3 = tempMax2;
/* test to see if tempMax1 is bigger if isn't bigger than max3, this is happening when max1 gets a new value and the old value of max1 is equal with max2 but bigger than max3 */
max3 = tempMax1;
/* in case if current a[i] isn't bigger than max1 we test it to see maybe is bigger than second max. Then the same logic from above is applied here to max3 */
}else if(a[i]>max2){
int tempMax2 = max2;
max2 = a[i];
max3 =tempMax2;
/* finally if current array value isn't bigger than max1 and max2 maybe is greater than max3 */
}else if(a[i]>max3){
max3 = a[i];
/* The logic from above with maximums is is applied here with minimums but of course inverted to discover the 2 minimums from current array. */
if (a[i] < min1) {
int tempMin1 = min1;
min1 = a[i];
if (tempMin1 < min2) {
min2 = tempMin1;
} else if (a[i] < min2) {
min2 = a[i];
/* after we discovered the 3 greatest maximums and the 2 smallest minimums from the array we do the 2 products of 3 from the greatest maximum and the 2 minimums . This is necessary because mathematically the product of 2 negative values is a positive value, and because of this the product of min1 * min2 * max1 can be greater than max1 * max2 * max3 and the product built from the the 3 maximums. */
int prod1 = min1 * min2 * max1;
int prod2 = max1 * max2 * max3;
//here we just return the biggest product
return prod1 > prod2 ? prod1 : prod2;
Given an array of list = (n1, n2, n3...). You can do this in 3 passes.
Let a1 = max (|n_i|)
Let a2 = max (|n_i|) where n_i != a1
Now a1*a2 is either positive, negative or zero. If zero then there are many solutions; pick any n_i from the rest of the numbers. If a1*a2 > 0 then pick the largest positive number otherwise smallest negative number. More succinctly, you can just make one pass through the rest of the list:
Let max_product = max (a1*a2*n_i) where n_i != a1 or a2
This is a good solution in Java:
class Solution {
public int solution(int[] A) {
int result1, result2;
result1 = A[0] * A[1] * A[A.length-1];
result2 = A[A.length-1] * A[A.length-2] * A[A.length-3];
if (result1 >= result2) return result1;
else return result2;
Not an efficient solution, but a useful backup to show the use of data structures. Create a max heap and min heap out of these integers. Then delete the root from max heap till you get 3 distinct integers (top 3) and get the least two distinct integers from the min heap. Do the rest of the checks as mentioned in other responses max (max1 * max2 * max3, max1, min1, min2)
def max_three_product(a):
if a[0]>0:
return a[-1]*a[-2]*a[-3]
if a[0]*a[1]<0:
return max_prod
elif a[1]*a[2]>0:
if a[0]*a[1]*a[-1]>max_prod:
return a[0]*a[1]*a[-1]
return max_prod
if a[0]*a[1]*a[-1]>max_prod:
return a[0]*a[1]*a[-1]
return max_prod
I Wrote this simple solution in Python which I was looking and could't find.
def ThreeHighestNumbers(arrayOfNumbers):
PmaxNum1 = 0
PmaxNum2 = 0
PmaxNum3 = 0
NMinNum1 = 0
NMinNum2 = 0
maxNumber = 0
for num in arrayOfNumbers:
if num < 0:
if num < NMinNum1:
NMinNum2 = NMinNum1
NMinNum1 = num
elif num < NMinNum2:
NMinNum2 = num
if num > PmaxNum1:
PmaxNum3 = PmaxNum2
PmaxNum2 = PmaxNum1
PmaxNum1 = num
elif num > PmaxNum2:
PmaxNum3 = PmaxNum2
PmaxNum2 = num
elif num > PmaxNum3:
PmaxNum3 = num
maxNumber = PmaxNum1 * PmaxNum2 * PmaxNum3
if maxNumber == 0:
return []
if maxNumber < PmaxNum1 * NMinNum1 * NMinNum2:
return [PmaxNum1,NMinNum2,NMinNum1]
return [PmaxNum1,PmaxNum2,PmaxNum3]
arraOfNumbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,-8,-9,0]
print ThreeHighestNumbers(arraOfNumbers)
Please use a BubbleSort procedure and break within three iterations. Take the bottom of three and multiply. That should provide you the solution.
int count = 0, j=a.length;
boolean swap = false;
swap = false;
for(int i=1;i<j;i++)
int t= a[i];
a[i] = a[i-1];
a[i-1] = t;
swap = true;
System.out.println(j+" Iteration:"+Arrays.toString(a));
} while(swap && count<3);
return a[a.length-1]*a[a.length-2]*a[a.length-3];