Python: chemical elements counter

放肆的年华 提交于 2021-02-05 12:29:07


I want to get the elements for a given mixture. For examples, for a mixsture of Air (O2 and N2) and Hexane (C6H14) given by the dict with their respectives mole numbers

mix = {'O2': 1, 'N2': 3.76, 'C6H14': 0.01}

I want to get the following:

{O: 2, N: 7.52, C:0.06, H: 0.14}

Another example:

mix = {'C6H14': 1, 'C9H20': 1}

must yields

{H: 34, C: 15}
enter code here

The sequence of the dict it's not important. I was trying with the re.split, but I don't get any progress. If anyone can help me I will be grateful.

Edit: Hi, perhaps I wasn't clear in my question but what I want is to count the number of atoms in a mixture. I tryied to use the re.findall from the regular expressions library. I tried to separate the numbers from the another characters. Example:

mix  = {'C6H14': 1, 'C9H20': 1}
atmix = []
mix = {'O2': 1, 'N2': 3.76, 'C6H14': 0.01}
for x in mix.keys():
    tmp = re.findall(r'[A-Za-z]+|\d+', x)
    tmp = list(zip(tmp[0::2], tmp[1::2]))

for know i have:

>>> atmix
[(['O'], ['2']), (['N'], ['2']), (['C', 'H'], ['6', '14'])]

This is a list with tuples of the substances and their numbers of atoms. From here, I need to get each substance and relate with the number of atoms multiplied by the number of mols given by the mix dictionary, but I don't know how. The way I'm trying to separate the substances and their atoms from the mixture seems dumb. I need a better way to classify these substances and their atoms and discover how to relate it with the number of moles.

Thank in advance


You can iterate over the mix dict while using a carefully-crafted regex to separate each element from its count.

import re
from collections import defaultdict

mix = {'O2': 1, 'N2': 3.76, 'C6H14': 0.01}
out = defaultdict(float)
regex = re.compile(r'([A-Z]+?)(\d+)?')

for formula, value in mix.items():
    for element, count in regex.findall(formula):
        count = int(count) if count else 1  # supporting elements with no count,
                                            # eg. O in H2O
        out[element] += count * value



defaultdict(<class 'float'>, {'O': 2.0, 'N': 7.52, 'C': 0.06, 'H': 0.14})

