I am writing a small code where i compare two times and find the difference and display it in HH:MM:SS format.
s1 <- ymd_hms(Sys.time())
s2 <- ymd_hms(Sys.time()) +200
d1 <- seconds_to_period(as.numeric(difftime(s2, s1, units = "secs")));
d2 <-sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour(d1), minute(d1), second(d1));
d2 [1] "00:03:21"
Another way i am trying is through piping techniques. But here, i am receiving an error.
s1 <- ymd_hms(Sys.time())
s2 <- ymd_hms(Sys.time()) +200
d3 <- difftime(s2, s1, units = "secs") %>% as.numeric() %>% seconds_to_period() %>% sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour(.), minute(.), second(.))
d3 <- difftime(s2, s1, units = "secs") %>% as.numeric() %>% seconds_to_period() %>% + sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour(.), minute(.), second(.)) Error in sprintf(., "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour(.), minute(.), second(.)) : 'fmt' is not a character vector
The dot operation seems to not be working for this case. What should I do?
Also, is there better way to implement the time function?
When you use pipes the object on the left is the first input to the function by default. To stop that use curly braces ({}
difftime(s2, s1, units = "secs") %>%
as.numeric() %>%
seconds_to_period() %>%
{sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', hour(.), minute(.), second(.))}
#[1] "00:03:20"