I have an XML file through PHP that I am trying to list a specific child "word" in ascending order in a div, according to the attribute "word".
I put sort($word); without sucess
Here is my code:
if(isset($_POST['submitSave'])) {
// Disable errors due to empty xml files
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_WARNING);
$domDoc = new DOMDocument('1.0');
$domDoc->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
$domDoc->formatOutput = true;
$xpath = new DOMXpath($domDoc);
// load xml file
try {
} catch (\Throwable $th) {
//throw $th;
// If we already have expression tag defined
$expression = $domDoc->getElementsByTagName('expression')[0];
// If we don't have any expression tag, i.e. file is empty
$expression = $domDoc->createElement('expression');
// Create child node for product and set id(attribute), word(child),
$vocabulario = $domDoc->createElement('vocabulario');
$vocabulario->setAttribute('word', $_POST['word']);
$word = $domDoc->createElement('word', $_POST['word']);
$meaning = $domDoc->createElement('meaning', $_POST['meaning']);
// convert returned node list into an array
$vocabularios = iterator_to_array(
// fetch all vocabulario elements
// sort the array
static function($a, $b) use ($xpath) {
// compare the word child element
return strcasecmp(
$xpath->evaluate('string(word)', $a),
$xpath->evaluate('string(word)', $b)
// iterate the sorted array
foreach ($vocabularios as $vocabulario) {
// append node to the expression document element
// that moves nodes from their current position
file_put_contents('./data/expression.xml', $domDoc->saveXML());
The output
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<vocabulario word="piece">
<vocabulario word="ball">
So, the word "ball" should be listed before "piece", in ascending order as I said above when I parse the xml in a php page.
SimpleXML is not good at manipulating nodes so this is a lot easier with DOM.
$document = new DOMDocument();
$document->preserveWhiteSpace = FALSE;
$xpath = new DOMXpath($document);
// convert returned node list into an array
$vocabularios = iterator_to_array(
// fetch all vocabulario elements
// sort the array
static function($a, $b) {
// compare the word attribute
return strcasecmp($a->getAttribute('word'), $b->getAttribute('word'));
// iterate the sorted array
foreach ($vocabularios as $vocabulario) {
// append node to the expression document element
// that moves nodes from their current position
$document->formatOutput = TRUE;
echo $document->saveXML();
To sort by child element text content you would just have to change the compare function.
static function($a, $b) use ($xpath) {
// compare the word child element
return strcasecmp(
$xpath->evaluate('string(word)', $a),
$xpath->evaluate('string(word)', $b)