I have one package in a project which is autoloaded using composer and composer.json entry is as follows :
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"CompanyName\\PackageName\\": "packages/package-folder/src/"
Now I am copying this over to another project which is not using composer. How can I autoload this same package there ?
You have to read the composer and load the classes yourself for each namespaces defined into the composer.json
Here is how :
function loadPackage($dir)
$composer = json_decode(file_get_contents("$dir/composer.json"), 1);
$namespaces = $composer['autoload']['psr-4'];
// Foreach namespace specified in the composer, load the given classes
foreach ($namespaces as $namespace => $classpaths) {
if (!is_array($classpaths)) {
$classpaths = array($classpaths);
spl_autoload_register(function ($classname) use ($namespace, $classpaths, $dir) {
// Check if the namespace matches the class we are looking for
if (preg_match("#^".preg_quote($namespace)."#", $classname)) {
// Remove the namespace from the file path since it's psr4
$classname = str_replace($namespace, "", $classname);
$filename = preg_replace("#\\\\#", "/", $classname).".php";
foreach ($classpaths as $classpath) {
$fullpath = $dir."/".$classpath."/$filename";
if (file_exists($fullpath)) {
include_once $fullpath;
new CompanyName\PackageName\Test();
Of course, I don't know the classes you have in the PackageName.
The /vendor/project
is where your external library was cloned or downloaded. This is where you have the composer.json
Note: this works only for psr4 autoload.
EDIT : Adding support for multiple classpaths for one namespace
EDIT2 : I created a Github repo to handle this code, if anyone wants to improve it.
Yes, this question is 6months old, however I just used the following.
I just found the following solution to the problem. I just locally ran the command composer dump-autoload -o
in my project folder. After that I simply had to upload the contents of ./vendor/composer folder and the /vendor/autoload.php to the server and it worked again.
This is helpful in case you cannot run composer on the server.